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Summerside Public School
2024-2025 Safe and Inclusive School Plan
Our school is committed to providing all students with a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment free from bullying and harassment that promotes respect, acceptance, and empathy.
Staff, students, parents and caregivers, and community partners will work together as a team to help make our school safe and welcoming for everyone.
The Safe and Inclusive School Plan highlights some of the key actions that our school community will put in place as part of our bullying prevention and intervention efforts.
Key Priorities and Goals
This year we are focusing on building relationships among and between staff, students, and the community.
We are doing this to build a safe, inclusive and accepting school to foster social emotional learning.
Key Actions or Strategies
· Enhancing communication between the school and parents/guardians.
· Cultivating restorative practices to build a sense of understanding.
· Teaching students skills of self-awareness and self-management. Helping them understand why.
Community and Home Connections
- Ask your child about what makes them a good community member?
- Try asking your child questions “What can we do when we are having a challenging day?” and “Why is this important?”
- Check out this resource School Mental Health Ontario about social emotional skills that allow us to be successful at home.